Modern civilization is on the verge of space expansion, promising prospects fantastic civilizational leap, like the expansion of maritime past, raised its level of civilization to the modern with the medieval. But instead of making bold steps in a new space, mankind continues to mark time uncertainly at his doorstep. And holding back the colonization of outer space is not the high cost of flights or unwillingness of the State to fund new programs, and the lack of cost-effective strategy for the development of space.
I can suggest a new scenario for the development of space industry, which has strong economic performance, available for implementation in terms of technology and funding. Which allows for a few decades to make the transition from a modern satellite industry to industrial space colonization, and turn the land of "over-populated island inhabited solar systems" in the metropolitan space empire. When mankind have discovered access to space in front of him and opened the prospect of a new global civilization breakthrough associated with its colonization. Half a millennium ago, maritime expansion of several European countries, has given rise to the transition from the feudal economy and handicrafts to international trade and in-line production methods. Followed by the industrial revolution, a few centuries of scientific and technological progress, the development of science and culture, and social change, which raised civilization to the modern level. For a resident of medieval Europe, the level of modern civilization would have seemed astonishing miracle. Similarly, the cosmic expansion will lift the economy, technology, and the general level of civilization to new heights, which now may seem fantastic. But unlike the previous civilization jerk move in the technological era, which lasted for centuries, the growth curve of progress will make the transition to the cosmic level, much faster. Benefit from the colonization of space will have people of the current generation. Space colonization, through practical development.
Cosmic expansion, as well as any other, will be developed on the basis of practical interest. The first space program caused a wave of enthusiasm in the community, but they were designed only to demonstrate the potential of space travel and the development of activities outside the ground. Large-scale space colonization can develop only in a practical way. Because of the high cost of the demonstration and research programs in space began to decline pace of development, and firmly established opinion that the transition to a qualitatively new dimension of space activities, rather, from the field of futuristic predictions than the real prospects.
But at the present stage, the colonization of space, it's not a fantasy, and the direction of economic development. Practical exploration of space began with the first commercial satellites and space services sector now, it is one of the most innovative and fastest-growing areas of the global information industry. The development of the satellite industry cost-effective, but for the full space exploration satellites alone is not enough. Satellites, it is automatic, rigidly attached to the near-Earth orbits and narrow areas of information services. For the colonization of space needed direction, suggesting a variety of activities, and intended primarily for practical development of space resources. Space resources are divided into three main types, this space, energy and raw materials. At the present stage, people began to develop only space, satellites use a greater height above the ground for communication and observation applications on a global scale. But satellite constellation itself can not develop into a space colony, because the Earth is an appendage of the information system. To develop space resources of consumer goods, such as steel, titanium, or aluminum for their supplies on the ground, at the present stage it is not cost-effective, the cost of mining infrastructure and transportation of raw materials exceed any benefit. While these projects were, but not one of them did not develop in practice. Now actively working promising projects related to mining of rare, valuable especially extraterrestrial resources, such as precious metals on asteroids, or radioactive materials on the moon. In these projects, the problem of transport and infrastructure costs, resolved by the high cost of harvests. Particularly realistic look Projects Company X "DeepSpaceIndustries" and "PlanetaryResources".
But raw projects also have their limitations, they are not interconnected with the existing commercial space activities and have a narrow specialization. This means that they will have to develop from scratch, relying on the large long-term investments or budgetary financial contributions. And the sources of raw materials, designed for extraction of rare raw materials, by themselves will not be able to start the growth of the space industry. It will be alien mines, not industrial plants. While it is certainly the direction of extraction of natural resources especially is a significant step towards the practical space exploration.
The concept of industrial space group.
In the present scenario me space in contrast to the accepted long-term projects, the main emphasis is not on the extraction of raw materials, and on projects related to infrastructure and transport systems of industrial activity. Although resource projects are also included in it, but they play a supporting role.
Scenario development is a few projects inline transportation systems, near-Earth space station, which plays the role of the supporting base and resource base on the moon, bound in a single "industrial space group" capable for various activities. The main activity of the industrial groupings should be the maintenance group of commercial satellites in low Earth orbit. The industrial group has become a kind of superstructure of the system of commercial vehicles in Earth orbit. In the early stages of development, it will be linked to the space services industry, but it will lay the foundation for the emergence of a promising global space industry.
The development of the industrial groups should take place in several stages, each of which it will attract new investment, develop new technologies and activities and to pass the next stage of growth.
Orbital space port.
The first step in the development of the industrial groups, should become the infrastructure system removal, cargo into orbit with the earth. The system consists of a specialized light carrier, made with simplified technology and space station, which plays the role of the transport unit, working in the same bundle.
Specialized media - "Pony" rocket easy class, which simplify key high-tech systems. The system of turbine pumps to supply fuel to the engine, which is replaced by the replacement of the fuel tanks of compressed gas. And the "autonomous" management system, based on the on-board computer systems oriented to the "inertial guidance system." You have to replace the remote control system with a focus on terrestrial and orbital beacons.
Disadvantages of "displacing" the fuel system and the remote control is that they limit the engine power and payload rocket and deprive it of autonomy in flight, tying the single trajectory, from the Baikonur spaceport before. But the media Pony is not for direct removal of satellites in orbit workers, and for the delivery of standardized modular units of light to the space station, from which the station must be installed satellites and other devices. Low capacity and the loss of autonomy in this method of removal are not significant deficiencies. But simplification and minimization make this rocket is very cheap and easy to produce, which gives a large cost advantage over traditional media.
Plastic tanks upper stages carrier Pony on space stations should serve as raw material for the production of liquid organic fuel or material for load-bearing structures.
Pony carrier is best suited for its primary mission, maintaining a constant flow of goods from the ground to the space station at a minimum cost, taking on the role of the main "workhorse" launch services industry. The system of removing Pony - Starport, is able to replace the bulk of the park disposable carrier, which start investment in its creation of several billion dollars, the payback period, about a few years.
Tentatively, the unit cost of removal "Spaceport", is about $ 1,000 per kilogram, including the cost of installation. For comparison, the cost of removal in the most profitable series of carriers, 3 - 5 thousand dollars per kilogram. Spaceport allows to reduce the cost of orbit insertion and thus creates a strong economic niche for the commercialization of manned space stations.
Orbital transport fleet.
In a production system, removing simplified carriers must deliver cargo to the orbital port, and then assembled from modules satellites must be output to the working orbit reusable orbital tug, which form the basis of orbital infrastructure of the transport system.
Now for the movement in space are used for orbital rocket stage chemical fuel - "The upper stage." Chemical engines have high fuel consumption, which weight for ascent to a higher orbit or escape trajectories to other planets many times the mass of overclocking devices. Which consequently greatly increases the cost of start-up. In addition, the voracity of chemical engines can not move freely in space, satellites tend to remain in the same orbit of the whole period of operation, flights from one orbit to another require excessively high cost of fuel.
In the weightlessness of space high power is not needed, and can be used types of engines with low thrust, but more economical fuel consumption. Now spread "Ionic" thrusters are ten times more economical than chemical, but very thin, their craving is only a few tenths of a gram. This thrust is sufficient to correct the orbits of satellites and interplanetary probes crackdown that fly over the years, but for the transport ships need more powerful engines.
On orbital transport vehicles can be used long-term - "Plasma" thrusters. Unlike ion thrusters, their capacity is limited and essentially not dependent only on the power supply. A modern film solar cells have a relatively high electrical output relative to its own mass. Therefore, the potential tyagovooruzhonnost "orbital tug" with plasma thrusters can count on flights between the orbits within a reasonable time from several days to several months, depending on the power of tugs, cargo weight and distance.
Plasma engines have other important advantages. These engines are more reliable and durable than ionic. They are able to change the velocity of the jet stream, which allows you to change the ratio of thrust and fuel consumption at the same output power supplies. And unpretentious to the choice of fuels have the potential to consume any of the available working fluid components of chemical rocket fuel, water, or liquid gases. Durability, the ability to change modes and multi-fuel rods, making these engines are very convenient for future transportation systems.
Plasma orbital tugs will fly freely in space, without the high cost that will give many new possibilities. This possibility of removing various operational satellites orbit the one earth station or a fixed path at low cost. Ability to carry satellites into space stations for maintenance and repair, and then return them back to their orbit. Ability to establish permanent links with other planets or asteroids, and as a consequence the ability to deliver to the space station extraterrestrial resources at low cost, is much smaller than the removal from the ground.
Unlike disposable boosters, promising group of orbital tug, will function as a permanent orbital transport fleet, which will give freedom of movement and make the colonization of outer space is much more accessible.
Powder fuel from lunar dust.
In the first phase of the orbital transport system, the fuel for it will withdraw from the ground. But the relative cheapness of delivery tugs alien raw materials will be useful to go to the extra-terrestrial sources of fuel. The closest source of extraterrestrial resources in Earth orbit, the moon is. Due to the proximity to the ground and low gravity, which greatly facilitates the removal of the orbit of this planet, the moon is the most appropriate source of raw materials for Earth-orbiting constellation. The most demanded and consumables in orbit, it's the fuel.
Now there are several projects involving the production of liquid fuel on the moon. Propellants can serve as liquid oxygen, which may be obtained from solid ground and used as an oxidant chemical rocket fuel or fuel plasma tugs. On the moon in the polar regions may have deposits of water ice, which can serve as sources of water. Can be prepared from water, oxygen and hydrogen, which can serve as a pair of chemical fuel and fuel plasma engines. As plasma fuel engines can be used and water without decomposition.
Disadvantages projects produce liquid fuels on the moon, that it requires a large expenditure of energy and its production processes are ineffective, and therefore for the production of large volumes require a lot of equipment. In addition, deposits of water ice is still poorly explored, they can be difficult to access or not abundant.
In my scenario, the primary fuel for orbital tugs should be solid lunar soil in the form of a fine, free flowing powder. Plasma multi-fuel engines, the adaptation of engines and fuel systems tugs to consume the powder would require only unprincipled modification. But the project resource base designed for the production of powdered fuel is much less expensive. Manufacture of powder does not require chemical processing material need only mechanical grinding. Therefore, the production of the powder does not require high energy costs and equipment necessary for it has high thermal efficiency. Raw materials for the production of mineral powder, widely available on the moon, the efficiency of use of raw materials wide.
Furthermore, the fuel powder in space in many respects more convenient than liquid, it is not afraid of temperature fluctuations of hundreds of degrees, does not boil and evaporate in vacuo. Solid ground in space more widely and readily available than the sources of liquid fuels, which makes it easier for the development of fuel sources of raw materials in the future.
For removing the fuel powder into orbit, is supposed to use a rotary rope catapult. Like a helicopter rotor, but with ribbons kilometer long instead of the blades. At the end of the tape is reached orbital velocity, which is on the moon around 1800 meters per second.
Rotary catapult relatively simple and light device, it does not require fuel costs, but at the same time able to provide cargo feedstock Moon orbit in quantities of several hundred to thousands of tons per year. That fully meets the needs of low-Earth orbital group of the first generation.
Lunar primer can serve not only for fuel tugs, but the raw material for the production of liquid oxygen, ceramics and metals in orbital stations. Of extraterrestrial material will primarily be carried supplies such as fuel components, chemical engines for simple management and not high-tech features such as elements of structural and shields to protect against meteoric dust. The relatively low price of the lunar materials, will motivate the gradual replacement of parts and materials withdrawn from the earth, produced by space stations.
Project resource base on the moon, in the first generation should not be inhabited, designed for service with "Poluantropomorfnyh" remote-controlled robots. Humanoid torso, placed on the base of light multi-purpose all-terrain vehicles.
The equipment for a framework should include several robots, crushers, impact catapult, power plants and some of the support mechanisms such as conveyor belts, and warehouses. The total weight of the equipment shall not exceed 100 tons, the cost of the project should be in the range of 10 billion dollars. By the standards of space, the project powder, raw, lunar base is not expensive, but it will ensure the supply of industrial grouping cheap earth extraterrestrial resources, and will reduce the cost of removal of supplies from the ground.
The project raw lunar base will give rise to practical development of the Moon and the development of production in space-based consumption of extraterrestrial resources.
Strongholds in Earth orbit.
Now mankind has orbital stations, but they do not find practical applications and are used as space research laboratories. Since the beginning of the industrial groupings, the orbital station will carry out practical tasks, and with each new project their importance, scale and diversity of activities will increase.
In the first stage, with the emergence of a production system launch, orbital station will be part of the transport industry launch services as space transportation terminals.
After the appearance of reusable orbital tug boats, orbital station will become bases for "Space Fleet."
With the start of the maintenance and repair of satellites, space stations will be bases for the industry "maintenance services", taking on the role of "Space station maintenance."
To the space station will be carried out most of the activities associated with the installation of large-size vehicles and various structures that give them the functions of "Space building and construction sites."
With the development of the industrial groups will always be new methods for the production of useful materials or products from raw materials. With the start of production activities in space, orbiting habitats will assume the role of "Cosmic production centers."
Manned station in the industrial group will be the main habitat and human activity, "the working platform" near-Earth space. In the early stages of the development of the industrial groups, they differ little from the ISS, but as it grows, will be expanded to develop new activities and become a multi-functional space industrial technical centers, reference points for human activity in the near-Earth space.
Cellular space.
The activities of the industrial group will focus on the maintenance and development of commercial space systems, satellite services providers. Capabilities allow for the development of the industrial groups with the assistance of its two main areas of space services in the field of communications and energy.
The basis of modern commercial space are satellite services. Satellites can maintain broadcast over long distances, but they have low capacity for communication via satellites require a special, expensive accessories. Therefore, the connection via satellite, via terrestrial user systems, as well as the direct satellite link with personal terminals is expensive. The main flow of communication on individual channels, phone calls and internet access, there is a ground-based systems.
After the appearance of the industrial services group, the cost of removing satellites repeatedly fall and will be able to mount in orbit. These features make the appropriate satellite assembly with the antenna array and film solar panels large area. Having a high power, high sensitivity and power of the antennas. Satellites of this type will be able to communicate through mass user terminals, cellular phones and modems, to conduct air broadcasting directly to individual television and radio receivers.
Systems of such satellites in low orbits, will be able to replace the cell tower and the local repeaters, their services are cheap and widely available.
The development direction of "satellite cellular communication", will create new opportunities for the development of a global information system of the planet, and greatly increase the orbital momentum space services industry segment. New investments in the field of space communications, as well as the investigation and the industrial group, will increase the scope of space activities and accelerate progress in the field of astronautics.
Space solar power.
In the longer term, about a decade after the onset of the industrial group will begin the development direction of space solar power. Sun natural fusion reactor, virtually unlimited capacity, and it is enough energy to meet the needs of any power system and any industry. But on the ground solar energy are not widely known because of the relative distraction that interferes with getting big power. Furthermore, solar generators depend on the weather and can not operate at night.
In space there is no atmosphere and gravity, which allows you to mount the extended design of ultra-light materials that have a large area and low weight. Space solar power will provide energy industrial power does not require the cost of fuel and perfectly clean for the environment.
Space power projects were before, but they did not get because of the development of excessively high costs. But after the onset of the industrial groups the cost of breeding and raising of the orbit will drop sharply, there will be many new opportunities for the construction and maintenance of large space objects that do not exist now. By the beginning of the first space power projects needed for space power technologies are already held on the stage of incubation projects for large scale solar generators for heavy tugs and manned orbital stations. In the field of solar energy is now rapid modernization of technology, the efficiency of solar cells is growing, in mass production appeared photovoltaic film thickness of one-thousandth of a millimeter. In the future, progress in this area will only accelerate and when to begin the development of the first orbital stations, technical capacity will be greater than it is now.
The cost of orbital stations is estimated to be comparable to the nuclear power plants of the same capacity. It's good economic performance, cheaper only geothermal and hydroelectric power. In addition, when the cosmic power will go to a series they will be cheaper, the amount of work and materials required to create an orbital power plant are small, the bulk of the cost will be the cost of technology. And when the technology becomes widespread, they are rapidly becoming cheaper.
Clean, low operating costs, and virtually unlimited resources of sunlight will cause rapid growth of space power after the first workable power plants, which will allow space power in a relatively short time to take a leading position in the power of the earth.
If the orbital power plant will be the key to the Earth's energy, space will be one of the basic and vital sectors of the earth's industry and investment in the space industry will grow to trillions of dollars. Space activities will have a completely new funding and scope, it will be the same mass as it is now aviation, or nuclear power.
After the mass development of the energy trend, the industry of high-quality satellite services to reach the limit of growth and will move into a new phase, the space industry, focused on providing products produced from the land of extraterrestrial resources. At this stage, will begin commercial space colonization.
Mastering the asteroid resources.
Industry mining asteroid resources will not be as extensive as solar energy, but this trend will become one of the major steps in the practical space exploration after commercial satellites. Asteroid resources can make a significant contribution to the economy of the land and development progress, not so much through direct profit projects as by providing earth industry in precious metals and rare earth elements, which are widely used in electronics manufacturing. On the ground, the sources of these resources are nearing exhaustion, but their stocks on asteroids practically limited.
The first asteroid resource projects will be calculated only on the extraction of valuable resources, but with the development of this area will be used and the resources of wide application. On the asteroid will pass a practical project development of the technology of extraction and processing of extraterrestrial resources, which later will be used in the industrial space exploration.
Cosmic production.
With the advent of the industrial groupings in space will begin to develop activity associated with the production of materials and products of various types and purposes. Production activity will first experimental, industrial development associated with the processing of gratuitous in terms of delivery of materials on human space station, the upper stages of rockets, debris, obsolete plant parts and other recycled materials. At the stage of growth of the industrial groupings, production will play a supporting role, but its scope, level of technology and capabilities grow with each new project.
Production activities will begin with the production of simple supplies and products such as fuel, structural engineering, and other products, the production of which does not require complex manufacturing operations. But with the growth of the industrial grouping level of technology and complexity of the production will be developed, and eventually it will lead to the fact that most of the parts, products and tools will be made outside the ground. Space group will be able to almost completely replicate itself at the expense of extraterrestrial resources. On the ground will be delivered only the most high-tech parts and products, such as electronics, precision instruments, precision mechanisms, the bulk of the "iron", will be made at the expense of the very capacity of satellite constellation.
Cosmic production equipment will be different from the usual, the ground, much less weight, greater versatility and performance. It will be adapted to the specific main factors of space, high transportation costs, and a hard mass deficit. Traditional equipment is usually designed to perform one operation complete production cycle from raw material to finished product, require a large amount of different operations. In the space-based production processes, will lie "Adaptive Technology", designed for the ultimate simplification of production cycles by simplifying product design, multi-functionality of individual tools, and the use of materials in a form that allows them to easily transform.
An example of adaptive technology, «3G printer", but, in my opinion, the printers in space will play a supporting role. They are lightweight, feature-rich, but not productive. The printer to print parts is time consuming, so printers are likely to be used for the production of products with a high degree of uniqueness, and the majority of products will be produced faster flow method, stamping and high-tech casting.
Production machinery will be merged into the production lines, "Mobile operating systems", weighing about a few tens of tons. The relatively low mass, will carry their orbital tugs and put on the alien base without dismantling.
The main centers of production in space, will serve as the first Earth orbital station, and later in all probability, the main power move to the alien base and asteroids closer to the source of raw materials.
Production area of space activity will begin as an accessory, but with the transition to a mass colonization of space, it will be the main primary activity space group.
Space colonization.
At the present stage, the creation of space colonies on other planets is not practical. Base on the moon and Mars can create, but the practical impact of them can exceed the cost, and therefore a rapid, exponential space exploration in this way will be impossible. Alien base will be the same space research laboratories as now the ISS, and their activities will have virtually no impact on the ground, as well as the qualitative state of the space program.
If you start the development of space industry since the service is already available satellite constellation, its activities will be useful and relevant. What will cause the inflow of investment and the exponential growth that began with a space station in 30 - 40 years will result in a space vehicle fleet, orbital industrial centers, resource bases on the moon, asteroid mining, and powerful industry services space consisting of a heavy satellite platforms and orbital stations. After a surfeit of space power market, the industrial group will have enough power to start the transition to the production of a wide application. Along with the transition to the production of consumer industrial products, the development of the industrial group will move to the stage of large-scale commercial development of space.
By this time there will be new generation of infrastructure-class land transport system - the orbit, such as, strong rope or electromagnetic catapult runways, ramps up to 120 kilometers beyond the atmosphere, which can provide a flow of traffic between the earth and the cosmos at a low cost. Orbital Transportation Systems will develop a fleet of vehicles for different purposes and power, including heavy cargo ships capable of providing industrial freight flows. Production capacity will be calculated on the exhaust and the mass production of industrial products for different purposes. As a result, the space will become profitable supply of industrial products to the ground, and not only on the constellation, and the further growth of the global industry will start to go into outer track.
Although the transition of the space industry to ensure the land, the bulk of production is likely to be a standard profile, metal bars, sheets, etc., which will reduce the cost of space to increase the volume of production. Space profile will be brought to the final products, machinery and products already on the ground, but as the space colonies, the level of adaptability space production will increase.
On the ground, in the decades to begin the shortage of resources, significantly constraining further industrial growth, but in space resourcing little limited, so the further growth of the global industry will follow the direction of the space. And first of all in the space will be carrying heavy mining industry, which is a major consumer of minerals and the main source of environmental hazard. Further growth of the world's GDP will go through the growth of the space industry groups, and because it will not hold back resource scarcity will be a high rate of its self-reproduction, global GDP growth will be too fast, exponential and practically no limited.
At the colonization of space, as well as with any other colonization, raw and resource areas of industry will be concentrated in the colonies, and the most high-tech and knowledge-intensive in the Archdiocese and the main welfare gains Archdiocese will be due to the expansion of the colonies. Space industry will mainly consist of automated production systems that produce low technology products and are able to reproduce themselves through the alien raw materials. Space industry will provide the land rental and metal precious metals. The earth industry will be focused mainly on the production of high-tech products to be consumed both on the ground and in space.
Thanks to adaptive technologies, the growth of satellite constellation will be quick and has a low cost to the ground. But the space industry will consume high technology products, creating a massive demand for high-tech products, paid supplies of metals and energy. Thus, the space industry will work as a raw material appendage of the earth.
Specialization of the main industries of the land on high-tech and knowledge-intensive sectors, which will come with the colonization of space, on the ground will cause global economic growth. Earth will turn into a global scientific and technical center, "Silicon Valley of the solar system." The quantitative growth of knowledge-intensive industries, will entail a qualitative acceleration of scientific and technical progress. Accelerate progress and will contribute to the very massive expansion of the cosmic sphere, the development of which is associated with the constant upgrading of technology.
Along with the growth of the economy and an increase in the level of literacy will increase the level of culture, improve the social system. Having taken the clean energy and resources of the solar system, the human race will start to look with new eyes on the ecological situation on the ground.
Besides space colonization, to resolve other global problems. Eliminate inter-ethnic inequalities and cultural, civilizational confrontation, cease the political struggle for resources and markets. Prevent the threat of global stagnation or decline of world civilization, caused by the proximity of the limits of industrial growth within the boundaries of the land. Stop the growth of the world population at an optimum level for the Planet 10 - 12 billion.
Prospects for the transition to the Space Age.
Cosmic expansion will give a new direction of the global human development, which will cause intense progress in many areas of industry, economy, technology and the overall level of perfection of civilization. Quick results from the development and the absence of limits to growth, at least for the next few generations, will contribute to the general optimism and a positive attitude in society, similar to the mood that usually accompanies periods of modernization jerks in individual countries. But space modernization breakthrough, will be a global civilization and promising translate to a qualitatively new stage.
Cosmic expansion will give rise to a transition to a qualitatively new civilization stage of development similar to that of the industrial revolution, which has raised mankind to the current level of the medieval. The impetus for the industrial revolution at the time served as naval expansion of several European countries. The development of new spaces entailed updating the economic and industrial activity. Agrarian feudal economy began to replace international trade, increased production volumes caused the transition from artisanal production methods to mass-production. Later, the industrial growth has been a constant companion of civilization for several centuries. The transition to the industrial era led to the rise of world civilization to a new level. But the first impetus to the industrial revolution was the discovery of new lands, which gave access to new spaces and resources.
The forthcoming space colonization, like the expansion of the maritime past, humanity will move to a new level by opening the top of "Space Age." Just like the previous civilizational leap, the industrial revolution, the transition into the space age will lead to a qualitative level rise of thinking and level of capability that goes beyond the understanding of the previous period. Inhabitant of medieval Europe, the level of life of modern people, the possibilities of technology and the level of the power of modern civilization, would have seemed an extraordinary miracle. Similarly, the level of civilization cosmic period, it may seem fantastic for the modern man. The only difference is that it is more predictable and expected. And unlike the last spurt of civilization, the transition of modern civilization on the cosmic level will be much faster. The Industrial Revolution lasted for centuries, but by the power of the modern economy and the rapidity of development of modern technology, space colonization will bring significant results within the next few decades. Results of the space age, will be accessible to people of the current generation.
The transition to the space age now may seem fantastic, but the colonization of space, is not a fantasy and not a futuristic outlook. Practical space exploration is already underway, although not on the scale that allows the economic potential of the land. Now, there are all the technical possibilities and conditions for larger steps in the exploration of space, and as soon as economically feasible space development program, will begin the exponential growth of satellite constellation, which will lead to a transition of human civilization on the cosmic level. It is only necessary to take the first steps in this direction.
The development of the space industry on the proposed scenario is not beyond the capabilities of technology and the economy of the time, but allows you to make the transition from the modern commercial satellite constellation in the global industrial space system in the future.
Nikolai Agapov.