Everyone knows the science fiction predictions of humanoid robots to replace people in power work. Humanoid robots are still doing their first steps, but the hybrid - "Semi-anthropomorphic" robots developed under the future space projects can be put into mass production and begin a period of "global robotics" in the near future.
Someday, intelligent, humanoid - "Anthropomorphic" robots take over all power physical work, and people will only deal with the intellectual and creative work. About robots and robotic futuristic-looking mass is much written in fiction, and there are already prototypes of robots that can walk and talk, so it is these forecasts are not distant future. Still, the current level of technology is far from being that would do quite intelligent and versatile robots, massively expensive and not as it is now produced cars and computers. The first universal anthropomorphic robots, mass production, are likely to appear no earlier than ten years. But still I would like to get a mechanical assistant before, if not a full copy of the cybernetic human, even a machine that could perform typical human work. Such capabilities can provide conceptual designs robots for future space programs.
Remote controlled humanoid torso to work in zero gravity and open space on the space stations. And anthropomorphic torso on mobile, tracked or wheeled platform to work on the surface of the moon or Mars-like mythological hybrid of man and horse - "Centaur". At the current level of technology, "Semi - anthropomorphic" robot types "Torso" and "Centaur", can be put into the series and replace people on production lines, or heavy physical labor. Start of a series of simplified hybrid robots, as well speed up the development of anthropomorphic machines, due to the fact that progress goes towards the creation of prototypes, and on ways to modernize production parts.
The concept of space semi-anthropomorphic robots based on the principle of hybrid cars is simple enough that it can be done and confidently operate and versatile enough that it can be by people working in hostile space. Control systems of these cars, hybrid, too, "Semi-autonomous." Simple actions robots will be able to do on their own, guided by its own intelligence, but more difficult and responsible work should be implemented through a remote control, repeating the action of the operators on the remote. For manual operation, the robots must be used "E-gloves", gave the machine by the operator, and a sense of physical effort from the machine to the operator so that man could tactile feel for the car.
The concept of hybrid robot overcomes two major issues that are stumbling blocks in the way of creating a fully anthropomorphic robots. Low level of intelligence of modern electronic filling and the creation of effective anthropomorphic mobile platform.
The level of intelligence of today's computers are so far from the possibilities of the human brain, or even an animal, which is sufficient for an autonomous robot computing power have only stationary "Supercomputers", or special high-speed processors, compact and light enough to equip robots, but very expensive. Anthropomorphic Robot - "Asimov", able to walk and talk, the development corporation "Honda".
Construction of high-grade mechanical anthropomorphic "Feet" is also beyond the capabilities of modern manufacturers. Some developments in this direction is, but the world's most experienced several walking machines, the level of technology is definitely not enough to create a reliable and powerful legs for robots that would be cheap enough to start in a wide series. In addition, to maintain the balance and coordination of movements of walking robots takes up a large capacity onboard computing systems, already restricted. Mechanical legs are fragile and weak, their low capacity imposes mass limits for the filling of robots, not allowing them to build up much computational power and energy.
The present level of technology definitely does not allow working-anthropomorphic robot that can walk on any terrain and perform physical work. From modern laboratory samples to cyber workers is still very far away.
We legless, hybrid robot problems with balance and coordination no, mass and dimensional constraints if there is, they are significantly smaller than that of walking counterparts, which allows you to make them more powerful and more intelligent. For stationary, a commercial version that Torso restrictions on building intelligence not at all, it can be connected to a supercomputer. On a mobile centaur can accommodate tens or hundreds of pounds of electronics, powerful engines and power that makes these machines potentially operable as a multi-purpose working machines. Lower mass limit of centaurs, allow to increase their intelligence through not expensive series processors.
In space, a semi-anthropomorphic robots are planning to use to work in a hostile environment for people, in the vacuum of space or on the surface of other planets. To protect against the vacuum of space and extreme temperature changes people need spacesuits are heavily shackled movement. Protect people from cosmic radiation and meteor particles can not and spacesuits. That by itself suggests the idea that people work better in a protected manned modules, and an open space use unpretentious robots.
Robot NASA - «Robonavt", designed to work on the ISS in open space.
The robot torso, to be used in zero gravity on the manned stations.
Legs or wheels in weightlessness do not need a mobile platform these robots should be a base, equipped with mechanical grippers, roller wheels and a low-power rocket motors. This robot can be mounted on the external projections of space stations, or at the ends of large external manipulators, slide on special guides for supporting farms and modules. And optionally fly without support, by rocket engines. Scope of the Torso, installation and repair work on space stations.
On a wheeled mobile robot base for alien bases, development - NASA.
Centaur has become a universal machine for the alien bases.
Centaur tasks, a wide variety of work related to the construction and maintenance of databases. Building secure manned bunkers, installation of external equipment such as solar panels, or a device for processing the soil. Centaurs have to repair the defective equipment or carry on habitable modules faulty parts that require a thinner repair. Centaur can be used for tunneling in the rocks, like a robot miner, for the extraction of minerals, earth or ore. The mobile robot, should also serve as a vehicle to transport equipment and people over short distances. With Centaur, you can conduct reconnaissance area to collect samples for analysis and conduct scientific research.
In general, the centaurs are able to perform a variety of work on the surface of other planets almost completely eliminating the need for people to leave the safe habitable modules or bins.
In addition, the Centaurs on the moon or Mars, can be controlled remotely from the ground, which will make it possible to build a database with the help of robots, before the arrival of the crews. Or do base in the desert version, designed for service robots, which reduces their chances, but it makes them much cheaper.
On the ground, in the commercial version, the robot torso, can be used to work on the production lines.
Now robots are widely used on conveyors, but anthropomorphic torsos have more options and a wider scope of application.
Modern conveyor robots, this is a highly specialized machines designed to perform one single operation. Torso more versatile, it has the potential to do the same work as a man, that is, can do almost everything on his zaprogrammiruesh. Torsos are able to perform several successive operations, which reduces the minimum number of robots on assembly lines and, accordingly, making automated production lines more affordable for businesses. Universalism Torso, will equip these robots are not only assembly lines but also a wide variety of product lines. Now a robotic conveyor avtostroitelnye mainly large corporations, start-up into a series of universal stationary robots will start robotics in medium and small businesses and the different areas of activity.
Centaurs, the commercial version, as well as in space, can serve as a universal machine for a variety of law enforcement work.
Such as construction, wood processing, various mounting and loading operations.
Centaurs can be mounted on wheeled crawler, with removable tracks, put on top of the wheels, allowing them to quickly move with the speed of a car on the road on wheels and confidently move through difficult terrain on the tracks. As the power plant business Centaurs, you can use the serial internal combustion engines for power drives anthropomorphic torso to use the hydraulic system. Centaur will be more remotely controlled robot than a programmable, unlike the torso, though it can also be used to perform simple repetitive tasks, automatically, for example, such as digging wells, clearing large areas of debris, or cleaning vegetables. Remote Control Centaur can be transported in the back.
According to the level of adaptability Centaur little different from a hybrid mini tractor and truck, with the difference that in the construction of the robot manipulator system is more complex and more electronics. But nevertheless, its construction does not attainable for starting a series of broad based on currently available capacity. In the first versions of the Centaurs, the level of adaptability of machinery can be reduced by the cancellation of anthropomorphic hands "Hands", for which we need a special delicacy. In the first version, the hands can be replaced by simpler two-toed claws, "pincers", based on a possible retrofit "brush", as they become more affordable.
Compared to traditional mobile machinery, tractors, harvesters, excavators, Centaur, the car is relatively complex and expensive. But the robot and more versatile, it can replace a fleet of specialized vehicles, carrying out various types of work, which is very convenient for private owners, especially in remote and rural areas. In addition, the Centaurs are able to perform typical human work associated with the construction, installation, or other activities requiring fine motor skills, not available for highly specialized machines. But robots are much stronger than humans, and will reduce the hours of operation and number of employees.
Centaur can also be used in special areas such as the analysis of debris, disaster recovery and reconstruction work in hazardous environments, such as chemical or radiological contamination.
Russian remote-controlled combat robot - "MRK-27 BT" development - "Bauman."
Centaur can be used in the army, as a universal machine. It is able to serve both vehicle and robot versatile for a variety of jobs such as construction of fortifications and defenses, repairs and evacuation work. Centaur also able to perform combat missions. Although the robot speed, protection and firepower as the traditional mechanical types of weapons, such as tanks or armored vehicles, but it wins in universalism. The robot can hide from the fire, using the terrain, like the grunt, he is more comfortable in urban environments. But at the same time, the robot can use almost any kind of hand-held weapons, he is able to move faster than infantry, carry up to several hundred pounds of payload, malouyazvim to fire small arms and relatively cheap. Battle of Centaurs modification robots in the military, can take an intermediate position between the armor and infantry, which will reduce the loss of life.
First-generation semi-anthropomorphic robots widespread use will be closer to traditional machines than to the futuristic cyber copies of man. But the level of intellectualization and autonomous robots of this type are expected to grow rapidly. Any massive industry has high turnover, and the more the industry is spinning money, the more money is spent on modernization. If there are universal robots of mass demand, though strongly "mechanistic", it will immediately draw a significant investment in the field of robotics and accelerate the overall progress in this direction. The inflow of investments and developments in the modernization process of anthropomorphic parts of "hybrid robot" will accelerate the development of a fully anthropomorphic robots.
Thus, a semi-anthropomorphic hybrids, will serve as a transition stage to the establishment of universal cybernetic anthropomorphic machines that can replace human power at work and work.
The proposed directions commercialization of robotic types of "Centaur" and "Torso", have the potential to give rise to new areas of robotics, aimed at the replacement of typical kinds of manual labor the engine and result in acceleration of the mass of human robotics technosphere.
Nicholas Agapov.